The role of programming of monocytes in the formation of pro- and antitumor phenotypes of tumor-associated macrophages and the effectiveness of chemotherapy for bowel cancer. RSF project. Agreement No. 19-15-00151. Head – Kzhyshkowska Yu.G.
Aim of the project:
The study of the fundamental scientific problem of the formation of antitumor immunity of a primary intestinal tumor and the effect of transcriptional activation and epigenetic programming of monocytes on the further development of pro- and antitumor subpopulations of OAM in various locations of bowel cancer.
Expected results:
New data on the role of the innate immune system necessary for the progression of colorectal cancer and the effectiveness of chemotherapy will be obtained. The main fundamental scientific result of the project will be the identification of the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional and epigenetic programming of circulating monocytes in patients with colon and rectal cancer and the impact of this program on the formation of pro-or antitumor function of OAM and their interaction with chemotherapeutic agents.
Genomic mechanisms of regulation of tumor progression of breast cancer in the context of drug therapy. RFBR project. Agreement No. 17-29-06037. Head – Kzhyshkovska Yu.G.
Aim of the project:
Study of transcriptomic and epigenetic features of the main (classical, intermediate and nonclassical) populations of peripheral blood monocytes in breast cancer and in assessing the effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on their expression status.
A bioinformation search was performed to form a panel of expression markers of monocytes associated with differentiation in macrophages in M1 and M2.
The effect of hyperglycemia on STAT-dependent signaling in macrophages of types 1 and 2 and plasticity of the macrophage phenotype. RFBR project No. 14-04-01920. Head – Kzhyshkowska Yu.G.
Aim of the project:
Determination of the mechanism of glucose-induced changes in the formation of macrophages of the first and second types (M1 and M2).
A methodology to study the effect of various glucose concentrations on macrophages has been developed. The need to equalize the concentration of D-glucose in samples with low concentrations was tested by adding the appropriate amount of L-glucose to the culture medium. 2. The effect of high glucose concentration on the activation of STAT-dependent signaling pathways has been shown. The first data on the effect of high glucose concentrations on the expression of cytokine receptors by macrophages were obtained.
Molecular mechanism of action of regulatory proteins of macrophages of the second type on the formation of tumor micro environment and tumor progression. Russian Science Foundation. Head in charge Julia G. Kzhyshkovska
Heidelberg University
the technology of personalized cancer therapy.