Medical materials science


Reactive synthesis of TixNiy (N, C) intermetallic coatings on a TiNi substrate using magnetron three-layer Ti-Ni-Ti sputtering. RSF grant. Agreement No. 19-72-10105. Head – Marchenko E.S.

Aim of the project:

Creation of an intermetallic coating TixNiy (N, C) for titanium nickelide alloy containing carbides and nitrides and study of the patterns of coating formation under the influence of gaseous impurities of nitrogen and carbon.

Expected results:

The study of the phase composition of the surface of porous TiNi alloys and the mechanism of their corrosion resistance is a difficult task due to the difficult access to the pore surface and the complexity of the pore topography. The results of the proposed study of synthesis by methods of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and thermal explosion of TixNiy (N, C) intermetallic coatings on a TiNi flat substrate made of Ti-Ni-Ti nanolaminate in an argon, nitrogen medium and in an argon – nitrogen – oil mist gas mixture will allow phased modeling of the synthesis of a corrosion-resistant surface porous TiNi alloys that pass in a flow self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reactor.



Organization of a multi-level dissipative structure in non-plastic materials. RFBR project. Agreement No. 18-32-00304. Head – Buyakov A.S.

Aim of the project:

Creation of multilevel dissipative structures in non-plastic materials due to the presence in the matrix of an order of magnitude different modulus of elasticity of inclusions and the implementation of Cook-Gordon mechanisms and transformation hardening, leading to deflection, branching and stopping of cracks.

Expected results:

New fundamental knowledge on the creation of defect-tolerant structures in ceramics.
A new class of materials capable of long-term operation under extreme conditions of repeated static loads and dynamic effects


Development of an experimental model of domestic stent with improved properties. Federal Targeted Programme for Research and Development.
Head in charge Alexander I. Lotkov

import substitution in treatment of circulatory diseases.